Personal Information

POSITION: Assistant Researcher
DEPARTMENT: Green Belt and Road Initiative Center
LANGUAGES: Chinese, English
KEY AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Renewable Energy Transition in Africa, Gender Finance

Contact information

TELEPHONE:+86 19903615896

Zhengyun Zhou holds a master’s degree in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (JHU SAIS) and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of California San Diego (UCSD). She focuses on two critical areas: the renewable energy transition in Africa and Gender Finance. Zhengyun Zhou is involved in several research projects, including renewable energy development in Zimbabwe, sustainable supply chain finance for agricultural commodities, and the Gender Finance Landscape in China.

Publications by Zhengyun Zhou:

(1) Chinese Investments amid the Energy Crises and Mineral Treasures in Zimbabwe

(2) China’s Role in Egypt Lowcarbon Energy Transition: From Renewable Energy to Green Hydrogen